Riding On The Path Of YouTube Fame

3 min readJun 23, 2021


Let’s be honest, you’ve probably uploaded a few YouTube videos and expected to get views overnight. Remember that no-one grows that fast on YouTube, but you may be lucky if you end up on the trending page. Anyways, lets move on to the main points. Firstly, ask yourself a few questions before you go ahead and upload your next video. Is my video good quality and well-edited? How long is my entire video?

Most of the popular content creators have a lot of subscribers and viral videos — huge personalities of the YouTube platform, who have improvement every video they upload. There’s one scenario where people click on your video for 3 seconds, but there’s another where your audience watches your whole video. You need to be able to organize your content with video editing. Video editing is one of the main factors that makes your video stand out. Its a great idea to edit more every video you upload, so that you can expand your knowledge. A PC isn’t required to edit videos. You can simply use your phone. A part of editing takes time, but its important to be consitently uploading videos. To save time, you have many options. You can either practice/learn more to improve your editing/workflow, or you can hire a cheap video editor. I’ve found a cheap video editing service, so that you don’t have to spend time searching for one.

Original, Versatile, Consistent, & On-Topic:

MrBeast’s Rise On YouTube

You probably know popular content creators like PewDiePie, Markiplier, DanTDM, and MrBeast. What do they all have in similarity? They started to upload random videos and had no idea what they were doing. Overtime, they realized that they had to be upload consistently with one channel topic. If you never give up, try out videos just for fun. Don’t take your views or watch time seriously for a while, but you eventually should after uploading content that you enjoy. You should be uploading something that you can make into a series, or be creative with it and develop something original. Influencers like Dhar Mann have been uploading videos on YouTube for 3 years. He was always called out for his cringe content, but as of the year 2021, he’s been the father figure for inspirational videos. Furthermore, he’s made a path where dozens of other creators are creating videos with video topics similar to his.

Look into communities on YouTube that interest you, and plan ahead to input valuable and unique content for new audiences to watch.

Once you find that community, you must stay committed to it. Otherwise, you won’t end with any loyal subscribers or views.

How do I know if I made it?

Once you are receiving real feedback and constructive criticism, you know you’re riding the path of YouTube fame! Consider checking out Derral Eves, he provides reliable and well-explained videos about growing a YouTube channel. Its important to watch this, so you can the signifigance of video descriptions, titles, and SEO.

